
How to Play

fastforward is poker – just faster

Let’s face it – there’s a lot of waiting around in poker. You get dealt your cards then you have to wait for your turn, even if all you want to do is fold.

That’s why we created fastforward. It’s exactly the same as regular poker except we’ve cut out all the boring stuff. If you don’t like your cards you can fold whenever you want and instantly be moved to a new table ready to play a new hand.

We also offer Ante fastforward games in this range where in addition to the blinds an obligatory contribution is paid by each player at the beginning of the hand.

Check it out for yourself:

Go to 'fastforward' here

Choose how much you want to play for

Or try it for free in the 'Play money' tab.

Take your seat and start playing

If you don't like your cards just hit the forward fold button and you'll instantly move to a new table for a new hand.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the difference between fastforward and normal poker?

fastforward is exactly the same as normal poker except we’ve made two key changes to really speed the game up:

  • You don’t play at one fixed table with the same players. Instead, you play in a ‘pool’ of players and each time you fold you move to a new table with new players
  • You don’t have to wait for your turn to fold anymore – hit ‘forward fold’ and we’ll instantly take you to a brand new table

What games can I play with fastforward?

Texas Hold’em.

What does the ‘forward fold’ button do?

It moves you straight to a new table with new players – and ready for new cards.

How many fastforward tables can I play at once?


How do I sit at multiple tables?

You pick how many tables you want to play at when you first take a seat.

Can I be seated at the same table as myself?

Nope, our software makes sure this never happens.

Will I collect partypoints while playing fastforward?

Yep – it works exactly the same as regular cash games.

Are there any other rules I should know about?

Even if you wait your turn and click ‘Fold’ you’ll instantly be moved to a new table ready to start a brand new hand.

We also offer Ante fastforward games in this range where in addition to the blinds an obligatory contribution is paid by each player at the beginning of the hand.

And that’s about it! The only other thing to mention is that standard poker rules apply.

If you want the chance to win big at any moment, look out for Hot Tables – a new fastforward feature where you could win extra cash if your fastforward table gets boosted and becomes a Hot Table. They run 24/7 and are a great way to boost your fastforward winnings!